Don't Fall for This Relationship Trap

Breaking Free from the Fundamental Attribution Error


In today’s issue we are going to tackle the following:

  • The one mistake you keep making without knowing

  • How it destroys your relationship

  • What to do about it

Let’s begin!!!


The X post above is a symptom of this mistake people make that sabotages their romantic relationship and connection with their partner.

In my industry, we call this mistake “The Fundamental Attribution Error”

In romantic relationships, the fundamental attribution error happens when people blame their partner's actions on their personality A.K.A. “who they are as a person”, but excuse their actions because of outside/external reasons beyond their control.

For instance, let's say your partner forgets your anniversary. Instead of considering that they might have been busy or had something else on their mind, you might think, "They forgot because they're thoughtless."

But if you forget an important date, you might say, "I was really busy that day."

This error always leads to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflict because it overlooks the role of situational factors and events that influence your partner’s behaviour.

Now you know about this, here’s how you tackle it…


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1. Stay Curious

Like my X post above, learn always to remain curious and lovingly ask your partner questions. Never assume or conclude anything without talking to your partner about it. Learn to challenge your assumptions and beliefs about your partner's behaviour. Instead of immediately assuming anything or jumping to conclusions, question whether there could be another reason for their behaviour and ask them (your romantic partner) about it.

2. Have Effective Open Communication
Encourage open and honest communication with your partner. Create a safe space where you both can express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

3. Practice Empathy
Put yourself in your partner's shoes. Try to understand their perspective and consider the factors that might have influenced their behaviour. Empathy helps build a deeper connection and fosters understanding in your relationship.

4. Focus on Solutions, Not Blame
Instead of placing blame or pointing fingers, focus on finding solutions to problems together. Adopt a problem-solving mindset and work together to solve any issues in your relationship.

5. Take Responsibility
Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions is liberating. The only person you have the power to change is you. Work on becoming the best version of yourself instead of making excuses and shifting blame for your actions and the outcome of your actions on your partner or other external forces.

6. Practice Gratitude
Create a sense of gratitude for your partner's good qualities and actions. Focus on appreciating their efforts rather than dwelling on their shortcomings. Expressing gratitude will strengthen the bond between you and your romantic partner and foster mutual respect.

7. Get Help If Needed
If the fundamental attribution error is causing significant strain in your relationship and you're struggling to overcome it on your own, consider seeking the help of a couples therapist or counsellor. A trained professional can provide guidance, tools, and support to navigate relationship challenges effectively.

8. Seek Continuous Improvement
Romantic Relationships require ongoing effort and commitment. Continuously strive to improve your understanding, communication, and empathy skills. Practice patience, compassion, and forgiveness as you navigate the ups and downs of your romantic journey together.


As a valued community member, I can assist you in effortlessly attracting your ideal romantic partner and nurturing a satisfying relationship through my simple 3-step method and services;

1. Through the Love Navigator program. It is a tailored coaching program to help you confidently navigate the dating scene. This program will teach you the art of vetting potential romantic partners and mastering the skills to become irresistible to your ideal match. You can express your interest in embarking on this transformative journey here.
You can also opt-in for personalized one-off coaching sessions with me to tackle your romantic relationship challenges and get your personalised roadmap for relationship success.

2. Through this FREE email newsletter, my YouTube channel, and various social media platforms I have an account with, I consistently share the unspoken rules, principles and secrets that guide healthy romantic relationships.
P.S. Follow @chikeoranye on X, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn Threads and Bluesky to stay connected.

3. Through my digital product offerings. They are the tools you need to conquer any obstacle that may arise to threaten your relationship's harmony.


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